Saturday, October 1, 2016

Halloween -- It's My Bag Baby, Again

I know, it's a dated joke, from a dated (14-years-old) movie and I use it every year, but it's the truth. Halloween is indeed my bag, baby.

I'm once again participating in the Countdown to Halloween.  As always, my goal is a post per day, with no guarantees.  All year long, I save up my Halloween-related finds for for this month-long celebration.  And now it's finally time for the unveiling.

First up is the opening Trick or Treat bag for this Halloween Season.

It's made by Gay-Gem Products and probably dates from the mid to late 1960's or '70's.   Gay-Gem Products was formed in 1954 by J. L. Cohen.  They were manufacturers of birthday cake toppers and other party decorations and favors.  The company was sold to General Mills in 1972.

Unbeknownst to me, until I researched the company, is that they are the source of one of my earliest Halloween memories.  I remember receiving candy in these bags in my first Halloween Trick or Treat bag.
Image courtesy of eBay

My mom also had some extras in one of our cupboards and I would get them out at any time of the year and pretend it was Halloween again.  You see, Halloween IS my bag!

Happy Blog-o-ween to all and be sure to visit everyone over at the countdown.  Bring an extra big Trick or Treat bag.  They have fun-sized treats waiting!


  1. Love that retro artwork on those bags - I took one out when I was very small and the handle broke. After that, it was a pillow case every year!

  2. Love these. I remember them well. I always preferred the stronger pillowcase from home, but had these as well. Happy 1st of Halloween! :)

  3. i remember those little candy bags! it's the house that i remember the most, not the little scamps on the way to their doom -- i mean, coming up the walk. looking forward to this year's posts!

  4. Oh I definitely remember the Halloween candy "tote" bags, and yes, the handles always broke! In my neighborhood, it was always the old people who gave out candy in those little bags, and it was always candy that none of us liked. ;-) I look forward to all of your Halloween posts. Glad it's your bag. I can dig that.

  5. Neat! I have fond memories of those plastic Halloween bags with the snap handle. I've never seen this one and I really like the witch puppeteer! Have fun with the countdown!

  6. Neat! I have fond memories of those plastic Halloween bags with the snap handle. I've never seen this one and I really like the witch puppeteer! Have fun with the countdown!

    1. I came across a die cut online with a very similar image (little girl witch with ghost hand puppet). I'm not sure if Gay-gem made that as well or somebody was copying someone else's image.
