Sunday, October 9, 2016

Have a Dynamite Halloween!

I've spoken before about my love for Scholastic Publications when I was a kid.  The day that flyer arrived along with the day the books I ordered came in made school that much more tolerable. 

Dynamite magazine was published by Scholastic and sold through those flyers.  It was aimed at elementary school students through 6th grade, but I read it (somewhat ashamedly) long after that.  It was edited by Jane Stine, wife of R. L. Stine who also occasionally worked on the magazine (known simply as Bob Stine at the time), so it should come as no surprise that it frequently highlighted monsters.

Issue #15 from September of 1975 featured both a Movie Monster Hall of Fame as well as an interview with 1970's horror staple Christopher Lee.

Each issue featured Puzzle Pages hosted by the always-insulting vampire Count Morbida.  I've digitally erased the answers written in pen by the original owner as best I could.  Enjoy.  Answers at the end, of course.

As a bonus, I've included some Halloween-themed "Bummers", another regular Dynamite feature.  These are illustrated by Jared Lee, illustrator of the "Black Lagoon" series of children's books.


  1. Loved these, too. I think my love of horror began between these and Creature Double Feature on Saturday afternoons.

    1. There was another Scholastic Magazine which filled my horror needs month after month called "Weird Worlds". I don't think it lasted long, but in a few issues introduced me to some of my favorite Sci Fi authors including Richard Matheson, Jack Finney and Ray Bradbury.

  2. Replies
    1. For some reason Bananas never grabbed me which is why I stayed with Dynamite when I was supposed to move on to Bananas.

  3. My favorite magazine. I had a subscription, of course.

    1. I did too, which is how I received it for years after I was really to old to be getting it.

  4. I think all us retro bloggers need to write in to Scholastic and see if they can reprint some of these issues.

    1. Dex, that's genius. They weren't that thick. You could probably print several years in one volume.

  5. Do you have the poster insert from this issue?

    1. I might, but it would be loose. Do you know what the poster was?
