Sunday, October 30, 2016


Halloween is nigh and with zero hour approaching, I thought I'd offer some last minute recipe ideas for your Halloween party. You are having one, right?

General Foods Corporation Monthly Dessert Calendar, 1940

"Turn to Foods" American Institute of Baking, 1950's

 Better Crocker Holidays on Parade, 1965

 Better Homes & Gardens "Birthdays and Family Celebrations", 1963


  1. The recipe for popcorn balls is great! I never liked getting those in my treat bag as a kid, however. They just got all manky in there.

    1. My popcorn balls never made it to my bag. I'd eat them while I was walking. One of my favorites. I'll have to try this recipe. I haven't found one yet that tastes as good as my memories.

  2. i never cared for popcorn balls either, but we always got one or two. we just bought out candy for tomorrow, and once again i was sorely tempted to give out only the vintage candies -- Mary Janes, Chik-O-Stix, saltwater taffy, Neccos, and the like. we'd probably be the most hated people on the block, but i love all those candies. : \

    1. It couldn't be worse than the time my mom watched our door while we took our kids trick or treating and she was handing out loose frosted pretzels by the handful. I came home and they were scattered all over my front lawn.

    2. omg so sad. it's the Halloween episode of Freaks & Geeks ripped from life. i've read that is how all their episodes were generated: the producers and writers wrote down stories from their high school days, and they just used them, no matter how painful they were.

    3. >it's the Halloween episode of Freaks & Geeks ripped from life.
      I always think of that when I watch that episode.

    4. how could you not?? btw, how is your annual haunted yard display coming along? i look forward to a recap!

    5. The haunt is complete. Stay tuned...
