Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sliding into Halloween Once Again

Here are a couple Halloween-themed 35mm slides found among the many I picked up this past year. What's spooky about this one is the kid is completely unfazed.

While this picture isn't particularly Halloweenish, you'll agree it is pretty creepy.  Photo-bombing is nothing new, but what's weird about this one is he appears to be doing it from outside. Either that or he's trapped in a book case. Does he have a silver tooth?!  That ratchets up the creepy factor.


  1. I'm not sure if the kid in the first photo is unfazed or beyond terrified.

    1. You as are astute in your observation as in your correct spelling of "unfazed". Thanks! But you're right, that is more a look of "shell-shock", isn't it?

  2. babies always look stunned no matter what is going on. i think that second photo's photobomber is looking through an open-backed shelf, standing in the next room. or something.

    1. > i think that second photo's photobomber is looking through an open->backed shelf, standing in the next room. or something.
      Maybe. Either way, something is really weird about it.
