Monday, October 31, 2016

Wreck the Halls with Bowels of Ghoulies 2016

Welcome to Halloween 2016!  As usual, I didn't get to post everything I wanted, but I think I did pretty good. I did manage at least one post per day.

 My final post closing out the season is dedicated to my annual yard haunt and decorations.  Ever since I was a kid, I envied the people who went beyond the normal scarecrow on the porch and really put on a show for the kids.  It inspired me to create my own display and laid the foundation for my love of Halloween.  I hope you enjoy and a Happy Halloween to all!

And don't forget to visit the other bloggers over at the Countdown.  They're still handing out treats!


  1. Love your mantle and all your retro cut outs - those bring back memories!

  2. Such a beautiful Halloween display, in and out! Love all you have and what you have done. And thanks for the posts, too. Helped make Halloween that much more fun. Hope you have a good one. Happy Halloween!

  3. every year i expect to be awed by your yard, and every year you exceed even my attempts to be prepared. your mantle is AWESOME! and i don't recall your yard having so much cool lighting effects. your house is definitely a "must do" for the neighborhood... how much candy do you go through??

    in honor of your month of great posts, i give you this great flashback i just ran across. BoingBoing posted Pee Wee on Letterman on halloween in '83 and '84. i'm certain we saw these at the time, but i don't remember them at all:

    1. >i don't recall your yard having so much cool lighting effects
      There are some changes. I went all LED this year and replaced the red light I normally put in the porch for a green LED. Really changes the look. I also have an LED projector on the whole display, but not sure if that shows up on the photos.
      >i give you this great flashback i just ran across
      I don't recall that either, but great stuff.

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