Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday Funnies, November 27th, 1977

One of my earliest memories is being sprawled out on our kitchen floor on a Sunday morning reading "the funnies" while my mom cooked breakfast above me. This section from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on this date in 1977 features some familiar faces whose strips continue to today.

Outside of The Comics Curmudgeon and aside from a few favorites, I don't read much in the way of comic strips any more.  Does Beetle still get beaten up by Sarge?  Let's see...  Yep!

Tired of her husband's incompetence, Blondie attempts to drown Dagwood.

I used to love getting those packs of gum in my stocking at Christmas.  "Big Red" was a favorite of mine, even if it did burn my mouth. Yeah, I was a wuss.

"Andy Capp", everyone's favorite drunken wife beater.  Speaking of insensitive and socially unacceptable comic strips, here's "Redeye".

1977 was the debut year of "The Amazing Spider-man" comic strip.  I remember being very excited to hear about it, unfortunately, we subscribed to The Globe-Democrat, the Post-Dispatch's competitor in St. Louis.  In the early years, the strip was very similar to comic book and was even drawn by John Romita, one of the greatest Spider-man artists of all time.  It also moved at pace better than a snail as opposed to its current incarnation.

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