Saturday, January 14, 2017

Got a Light?

Is it me, or does that cigarette seem unusually large? Either that, or her head is unusually small.

Okay, focus has moved from the cigarette size to the wall sculpture. I zoomed in and cropped it, but I still can't tell what it's supposed to be.  I'm seeing a clown wearing a yellow derby waving a folding fan . That can't be right. Any ideas?


  1. it actually looks proportional to me. i'm busy being distracted by the statue-thingy with lights on it in the upper/right corner. WHAT IS IT??

    1. Maybe I'm just used to woman of my generation smoking those long thin cigarettes. I think the statue-thingy is a lighted wall sculpture.

  2. Could it be a chines sculpture? I remember a few of those that would be a lady in full garb and a fan?? Just a thought.

    1. That's probably a better guess than my clown in a derby.

    2. the chinese-style sculpture idea definitely fits with the time period, but man, other than there being an appendage with a fan (perhaps), i have a hard time discerning an actual human figure in that mess...
