Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Plastics Can Wait

A post over on Papergreat got me to thinking about a find I made over last summer.  I don't typically look at posters at sales, but for some reason, I opened this one up when I found it by itself rolled up in the corner of a basement bedroom.

I recognized Dustin Hoffman and of course got the "Graduate" reference, but wasn't sure of Vista.

I also knew the line about plastics.  As it turns out, Vista (Volunteers in Service to America), now known as AmeriCorps Vista, was originally proposed by JFK and created in 1965 as an anti-poverty program.  From their site:
AmeriCorps VISTA members live and serve in some of our nation’s poorest urban and rural areas. With passion, commitment, and hard work, they create or expand programs designed to bring individuals and communities out of poverty.
Each VISTA member makes a year-long, full-time commitment to serve on a specific project at a nonprofit organization or public agency. 
So this was a recruitment poster for their organization.  As it turns out, it's a fairly desirable poster. Not really having a use for it, I sold it on eBay a few months ago and made a tidy profit on my 50 cent investment.  And who bought it?  A plastics company.

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome in so many ways. i love the thought that some plastics company somewhere is probably boing to display this in their lobby now, or in the president's office. haha
