Thursday, April 27, 2017

Anti-Gravity House

While looking for a travel brochure requested by a reader (sorry, Greg, still haven't found it), I decided I needed to get a handle on my (frighteningly) vast collection of ephemera, so I gathered it all up and started categorizing and scanning them (look for some coming your way in the near future). While doing so, I came across this brochure for "Marine Life" in Gulfport, Mississippi.

Inside was this seemingly unrelated (other than it's "adjacent to Marine Life") ad for the Anti-Gravity House:

Last year (this month, coincidentally), I did an entire post on these attractions (I've updated that post with this one). There's no record of this attraction on the internet, but it seems to have had all the common illusions including the standing broom and balls rolling up hill.

Here's the rest of the brochure.


  1. it's weird how popular those were, being apparently everywhere, and now? you never see them. like anvils! everyone knows what they look like (from cartoons, etc.) and they were common at one point, but i can probably count on one hand how often i've seen one in real life.

    1. You can still see an anvil and a gravity house at Silver Dollar City. Coincidence?

  2. I went to one when I was a kid. No idea where it was but I definitely remember the experience!

    1. If you ever figure out which one, I'd love to hear about it.

    2. There is a similar attraction, The Mystery Spot, in Santa Cruz, CA. It was even featured in a Dennis the Menace comic book story.

    3. You're right, Top Cat. I featured that in my previous blog on these:
      I didn't know about the Dennis the Menace comic book angle though.

    4. Whoops! Sorry 'bout that!

      If anyone's interested, here's that Dennis comic.

    5. Thanks for the link, that's great! I added it to my original post.

  3. Thanks for the MARINE LIFE brochure!

  4. I enjoyed the brochure. My parents took us to "Marine Life" in 1964. My dad had some work at Kessler AFB and they made a holiday out of it. I never forgot the show (I was 9) and was happy to find the information. Thanks.

    1. You're welcome, Bu-Shey. Glad to enhance your memories.

  5. I saw the show at "Marine Life" in 1964. My dad had some work at Kessler AFB and my parents made a short holiday of it. I was 9, and never forgot the dolphin show. Was happy to read the brochure. Thanks.
