Saturday, May 27, 2017

Today's Garage Sale Finds

I'm going to do something I haven't done in a while (since 2014 as it turns out!) and return to the roots of this blog which is, after all, garage saling.

Memorial Day weekend is traditionally the kickoff to Summer and with it the garage sale season, although I've already been out looking several weeks now.

It was a beautiful start to the day with temperatures in the low 70's and a blue sky overhead.  My wife and I didn't get an early start, but we were out before 9.  There weren't any spectacular finds today, but a couple of cool items were purchased (along with a few I had to pass up).  Here's a sampling of what we found.

First up was this 15-volume set of the Time-Life "Old West" series of books from the 1970's. My brother always wanted this set, but they were out of our economic reach.  They originally sold for $12.95 each (plus shipping and handling).  These days, $5 takes all.

Friday, May 19, 2017

What was on TV May 9th through 15th, 1981

I know, I'm a week and a half late on this TV Guide, but it's not like you were going to use it to watch TV last week, is it? Enjoy.

What to do in Gatlinburg, Tennessee in July of 1964

Who wants more vintage travel ephemera?! Well, too bad, you're getting it anyway. Today's offering is this oddly red-colored brochure for Gatlingurg, Tennessee from July, 1964.  Why they just didn't go with all black and white, I don't know. My wife and I tent-camped in Gatlinburg about 25 years ago. Wettest week of my life.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Meramec Caverns

If you've ever driven down the Interstate 44 corridor in Missouri between St. Louis and Springfield (don't do it now, it's flooded), you are bound to have noticed the abundance of billboards and barn roofs touting Meramec Caverns in Stanton.