Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Leftovers Day 8 -- Dog 'n Suds

I'm starting to see a pattern with the things I buy at garage sales. A lot of them stem from things I always wanted, but didn't have as a kid.  Today's offering is no different.

I recall seeing a Dog 'n Suds while traveling Interstate 44 on vacation when I was a kid.  As you might have guessed, their specialty was hot dogs and root beer.  We never stopped at restaurants, fast food or otherwise, while on vacation.  Food was always packed and ate at rest areas and roadside parks. So these little stands were a magical mystery to me. I loved root beer (still do) and longed to try Dog 'n Suds' brand, served in their frosty mugs.

Boasting 600 franchised restaurants by the mid-1970's, some poor business choices including changing their famous root beer recipe led to their demise.  Only 14 restaurants remain, mainly in Illinois.


  1. did they go back to their original recipe? any idea? i don't remember this place, but a good root beer is wonderful.

    1. I believe the remaining franchises which were kind of independently operated either went back to the original recipe or never changed.

  2. "We're gonna be away for two weeks, hon. Did you make enough sammitches?"

    1. I don't remember what we did on long trips, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a stock of lunch meat packed. When we ran out, we'd go to the local grocery store and buy more.
