Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Good Halloween Fun with Billy and his Neighbors

If you've followed this blog for a while, you know I'm a sucker for kid lit.  I enjoy both children's fiction as well as classroom books.  All the better when they include a little Halloween.  

"Billy's Neighbors" dates from 1957 and attempts to steer children away from their natural devilish ways.  Rather than vandalizing their neighbor's house and property this year, their teacher Miss Dale persuades her students to make posters with positive statements like "Think of Others on Halloween" and "Do Good on Halloween". Booorrrring.  Wait until Billy finds where his parents hid the cherry bombs and eggs.


  1. The song reminded me of a time when every Halloween a few teachers would have us sing Halloween songs. I think some of them were even made up by them. Now if you will excuse me I'm off to make some Halloween pictures and posters.

  2. Good idea, Bob. And remember, Think of Others on Halloween.

  3. i don't think i've ever seen a halloween poster in my life. if i made them, they would say things like "don't forget the eggs!" and "remember, pillow cases carry more candy than plastic pumpkins."

  4. @FrankO: Don't forget "Just Because the Bag is On Fire Doesn't Mean You Have to Stomp on It!"

  5. That was my favorite Halloween song as a child. I even got to play the xylophone in the fall concert when we sang it in 3rd grade!

  6. @LadyM: How fun. Those were the good old days. I don't think my kids are allowed to say "Halloween" at school now.
