Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Halloween Clubbing

I found this toy club at an estate sale last year for 50 cents.  At first glance, it seemed like a pretty cheap toy, being made of hollow blown plastic.  It was clearly Halloween related, so I picked it up.

As it turns out, it's a fairly rare toy made by a company that to the best of what I could determine existed for just a few short years before going out of business.  Clinton Toy Company was based in Hoboken (oooh, I'm dying!), New Jersey and operated from 1969 to 1975.

This is called "The Witch Club" and originally came with a whistle in the handle. Mine is missing.

Clinton also produced a "Skull Club".

Another extremely rare Clinton toy is this Frankenstein's monster Treat bucket. The mold is based on the Glenn Strange version of The Monster.

Even rarer is this lamp that uses the same mold.

The only other Clinton piece I've seen are these "spook sticks" which bear the same likeness as my club.

I'm not sure what was the intended purpose of the club. Possibly to club other Trick or Treaters and take their candy? Hey, I'm not advocating it, just suggesting a possibility.


  1. thank you so much for the link to Bugs for the Hoboken reference. i can't see that word without saying it exactly that way. thanks, Bugs, for a lifelong affectation.

    didn't someone make clubs/batons like that in the 70s that lit up? i can't imagine what kids would want or use clubs for other than beating each other over the head with them. i really love that Frankenstein monster bucket (and lamp!)

  2. Weird creation! I like it. LOL - But I really like the Frankenstein treat bucket. That is beautiful.
