Friday, October 20, 2017

Jack O' Lantern Whirly Toy

I had a variety of these whirly toys when I was a kid, but I don't believe I ever had a Halloween-themed one.  I found this with the original box about a month ago.

The sticker says, "PUSH SLOW". I'm sure that didn't happen. What kid could control himself with these things?  I whirled them for all they were worth seeing how fast I could get it to go.

 I replaced the original rubber band inside that pulls the sections back together.

These were made in Japan probably in the 1960's. And while it says "Quantity 2 Dozen", alas there was only one left when I found it.


  1. How cool! I never saw a Halloween one, myself. Nice find! 🎃

  2. does this one make sparks? i used to love these, too -- sometimes they had little windows that made sparks, and some of them used the centrifugal force to open things, like yours. i also remember them at christmas, with trees spinning open to show santa, etc.

    you never see these any more. maybe they are too expensive to make or something. it would be a cool thing to collect!

    1. This one doesn't spark, but I remember those too, with the red and blue windows. I also remember the roulette wheel versions with a little bb inside. Always picked up one of those at tourist traps when on vacation.

    2. it occurs to me that the sparking ones with the red and blue windows were for (duh) the fourth of july. i'm now thinking i've seen easter ones as well, with eggs/rabbits.

      i had forgotten about the roulette wheels! those were always pretty enjoyable, too, but i guess teaching kids how to gamble isn't considered good parenting these days. 😉

  3. Wow - you find some really cool stuff Tom.

    1. Thanks, Lady M. The ratio of cool stuff to pure junk I find at sales is pretty small. It speaks to the quantity of sales I go to.
