Friday, August 31, 2018

A Good Start for a Good Day

I have to admit, I'm not good about having a sit-down breakfast, at least on weekdays. Typically, I'm running out the door, getting the kids to the school bus and then making my way to work. I do eat breakfast, but it's generally at my desk -- a bowl of oatmeal.

Even as a child, you were more likely to find me seated with a TV tray in the living room eating a bowl of sugary cereal in front of "The Adventures of Superman" or "Bugs Bunny" than sitting down with my family to eggs and bacon.  But I always envied the scenes of families eating breakfast together, such as I'd seen on shows like "Leave it Beaver".

I don't know if that world ever existed.  Even in my day, we had cartoon blobs preaching to us about eating a good breakfast.

And as far back as 1957, the folks at Western Electric, purveyors of telephones, published this booklet on how to have "A Good Start for a Good Day".  Go grab a some breakfast and enjoy.


  1. Very cool book and a fun share. Will have to get my breakfast life together.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, GI. Hope the books leads you to breakfast success!

  2. This is an appropriate post for a 3 day weekend. We will take one of these days to enjoy a full English breakfast.

    1. You're going to have to fill me in on the details, Lady M. I'm not familiar with a full English breakfast.

    2. Well we just finished eating it - Sausage, fried eggs, fried tomatoes, fried bread. You can also have baked beans, fried mushrooms, or English bacon which is not a bit like ours. The English also call this meal a fry up. I wonder why? Add a bit of black sausage (blood sausage) and now it is a full Scottish breakfast. Did you take the advice of your pamphlet and broil the liver from last nights chicken this morning for a tasty breakfast treat?

  3. Wait what? Fish for breakfast? I'm not so sure I could do that all though Tuna and Waffles maybe. As always another fun find.
