Monday, October 15, 2018

Witch Head Candy Container

I'm churning out these posts this month, so please forgive the unimaginative titles I've given them.  This is indeed a Witch Head Candy Container. I bought it in a bag lot of newer decorations, but I think this one is older. It measures 3" tall and has googly eyes.

The head can be opened along the seam and have candy placed inside.  Maybe a few candy corn.

I remember getting plastic candy containers in my treat bag, but more on that tomorrow.


  1. I like it but it won't hold much. Perhaps a couple of the much maligned Halloween kisses.

    1. You could probably only fit 1 of those peanut butter kisses in there. Maybe a few candy corn. Definitely a case where the container was better than whatever it might have held (unless it was coins).

  2. Oh I love it!! Super cute and love the color

  3. Ok I kind of remember these I feel like small little "chalk" like candy was in it. Kind of like the old trash can candy maybe? Still a very cool item.

  4. weren't these originally meant to hold coins, back when getting a couple quarters or whatever was considered a big deal?

    1. Very possible. I guess they could hold whatever you wanted to give out within the size constraint.
