Monday, November 12, 2018

Garage Sales Finds Unbottled

"Unbottled" is an extension of my "Uncanny Finds" series, but since it's a bottle--well, you get it.

With temperatures dipping into the teens and the first snowfall of the season, it's far from an "Indian Summer" here in St. Louis, but at least the imagery on this bottle brings that to mind.

I'm not sure why they felt the need to make grape flavored apple cider.  I might allow a grape juice and apple cider mix, but adding artificial grape flavoring (not to mention artificial color) seems a little unnecessary.

Despite the olde-tymey look of the bottle (I would have guessed '60's), the UPC code gives it up for probably the mid to late 1970's.

At $1.89, this jug of cider would run anywhere from $6 to $8.50 in today's dollar.


  1. grape flavored apple cider? ugh, what would be the point? and wouldn't it just be grape juice (or cider?) then?

  2. It *is* odd. Apparently, you can still buy grape/apple cider vinegar to drink, which sounds even worse.

    1. i do know that drinking unfiltered apple cider vinegar is supposed to be healthy, and i've gargled with it for sore throats and colds (it tastes as awful as you would expect), but i've never had the nerve to drink the stuff. some people swear by it.

  3. Yuck! That does not seem like a good idea at all.
    I'm in st louis right now on business and its snowing like crazy right now currently freaking me out because I don't know how to drive this magical crap!
    I found an antique store over the weekend and bought way too much stuff. I have to ship a box home.

    1. What antique store did you visit? I'm sure it's one my many haunts.
