Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I saw Grandma Kissing Santa Claus

Well, I guess actually it's supposed to be Mrs. Claus.

I've written before of my love for those tacky '70's Hong Kong produced plastic Christmas decorations.  This is another addition to my collection.

These haven't quite made it to collectible status yet, but I suspect as older Christmas items price out of most collectors' range, these will find a market.


  1. bear with me here: last year our neighbors hung a santa face on our tree along the street in front of our house. it was this weird little thing made out of a wire frame, with basically tinsel garland woven through it in various colors, and some sequins added to make a santa face. i thought it looked vintage, because it seems so crafty and home-made. last night we were at a local restaurant and they had many of the same sort of thing hung up around the place, all made the same way. this restaurant has been around since the 1950s, so i still felt they were some retro or vintage decoration that i just hadn't seen before. i commented about them and our cashier shrugged and said, "meh - dollar store." lol

    so i guess China is still making christmas decorations for us, and they still look vintage. be careful! don't be fooled like i was!

    1. Intriguing... I haven't seen these. Love to see a picture though.

    2. i tried googling it, but my google fu wasn't turning up anything. i could take a pic of the one hanging on our tree outside, but honestly it's kind of frightful looking at this point. i'll try to remember to do it.

    3. "Oh the Santa outside is frightful..."

  2. So I bought a bag of ornaments this past weekend for 4$ all because there were 2 that I saw I really wanted- it was this santa and mrs clause but they were 2 pieces and not on a stand and someone wrote underneath 1976. I love them so much!! I JUST shared on my Instagram yesterday so too funny you posted these.

  3. Air kiss? Santa's gone Hollywood on us! *MWAH!* *MWAH!*

    1. He wouldn't have it any other way, Dahling.

  4. Super cute! I would get em and never give em up!
