Saturday, July 20, 2019

Houston, the Paper has Landed

Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing and moonwalk.  I thought I'd celebrate it with a couple copies of newspapers I've picked up from garage and estate sales over the years.  At one time I had quite a few copies of the papers from the week of the moon launch to landing, but I've cleaned them out over the years.  Below are the St. Louis Globe-Democrat's and St. Louis Post-Dispatch's take on the event along with some vintage ads celebrating the landing.

St. Louis Globe-Democrat July 21st, 1969 edition  

That headline actually says, "Men Walk on Moon". Due to a printing error, it would appear the Eagle accidentally landed on a cow.

Surprisingly, I couldn't find any examples of the Coca-Cola Moon Globe on the internet.

Famous-Barr was a local St. Louis department store. It was bought out by Macy's in the early 2000's.

Carondelet Savings & Loan was a local St. Louis bank.  At the time, they offered the "Moon Money" tokens below to be redeemed for a "$1,500 insured account at Moon Branch Office".  My dad saved these. I'm not sure if he just considered them the novelty they are or thought it might actually happen. Carondelet Savings & Loan was merged with another bank in 1983 which was merged with another bank, which was merged with another bank... You get the picture.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch July 21st, 1969 Final Edition

After Apollo 11, we returned to the moon only 5 more times and haven't been back since. A total of 12 men walked on the moon.  The last mission was Apollo 17 in December of 1972.

By the way, this is my 1,000th post on this blog.  I've been at it since 2010 and I'm sure others have far surpassed this number in less time, but it still boggles my mind that it also represents 1,000 items I've bought at garage and/or estate sales.  Oh, I'm sure I've actually bought thousands more, after all, I've been garage saling for 39 years, but through this blog I've documented a thousand of those finds.

Hitting key numbers like this make you stop and think about the time and effort put into a blog.  And it's also a time to reflect and decide if you want to continue.   

Unlike the moon missions, I don't think I'll stop. I think I'll keep going with my intermittent ramblings.  Here's to another 10 years and another 1,000 posts.


  1. Great post as always and congrats to 1000 posts. Here's to 1000 more and estate sales as far as the eyes can see

  2. Great! I hope you keep going til even after we land on Mars!

    1. Thanks, Unknown. Hmmm. I wonder if they'll have garage sales on Mars...

  3. Can you sell me one of the Cardonelet Moon Money Toekns? Thank you

    1. Thanks for the offer, HC, but they were given to me by my father who is no longer with us, so they have a sentimental place with me.

    2. I have one on ebay right now
