Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Brady Lunch

I have to admit, I've been enjoying "A Very Brady Renovation" on HGTV and I will not apologize for that.

I found this Whitman frame tray puzzle over the summer.  The artwork actually has very good likenesses of the cast with the exception of "Tiger" who has now become an English Sheepdog.

This scene is a reinterpretation of one from the pilot episode "The Honeymoon" in which "Tiger" chases the Brady girls' cat "Fluffy" across the wedding reception tables ultimately launching the wedding cake off the end of the table.  Mike Brady manages to catch the cake before falling over and doing a face plant in it thanks to the new Mrs. Brady's "help".

Even the Reverend Alden finds the situation humorous.

Some closeups of the characters with various expressions in response to "Tiger's" mishap below.

Greg and Marcia are all, "Oh no".  Incidentally, it looks like Marcia has brought the Kellogg's Corn Flakes.

Evil Jan is satisfied with the results. Peter wants to hide from the horror, but can't resist the delicious urge to watch, like the little voyeur he is.

Bobby and Cindy are amused.  "Ha! No dessert or lemonade for us today!" Wow. Bobby looks totally stoned.

Mike and Carol have been so desensitized over the years, this is just another typical day in the life of the Brady's. Careful there, Mr. Brady, don't burn those burgers.

The artist is Al Anderson, but there's no information I could find about him online.


  1. I have two episodes of the HGTV show on the DVR, looking forward to watching. The Brady Bunch was a huge part of my childhood.

    1. It's been a pretty fun watch. I think you'll enjoy it, Joe.

  2. damn that dog!

    i think bobby AND cindy were partaking of the ol' wacky tabaccy somewhere before the event...

    1. Probably found it in Greg's dresser drawer.

    2. they obviously snuck into his groovy pad up in the attic when he was downstairs on the phone with some chick. it's a tried and true younger sibling tactic.

  3. Looks like the squirrel left lots of his "pellets" behind. With any luck, Thindy will think they're chocolate candy and start gobbling them by the handful. Alice has retired to her cot in the boiler room ("No way I'm cleaning that up!").

    Where's Cousin Oliver? This smacks of his handiwork.

    1. Excellent observation, Top Cat. Where exactly IS Alice. She always went on family outings with them. And I wouldn't put anything past Cousin Oliver.

  4. What ever happened to fluffy and Tiger?

    1. Apparently, Fluffy only appeared on the pilot episode. Tragically, Tiger was killed in real life when he was hit by a delivery vehicle on the Paramount lot during the filming of "Katchoo" (where Jan is found to be allergic to Tiger). A replacement Tiger was found, but he was skittish, so they eventually wrote him out of the series in season 2. Oddly, Tiger's doghouse was left in place. According to Susan Oleson, a studio light fell on the Astroturf burning it in a spot, so the doghouse was used to disguise that.

  5. I am a HUGE Brady fan. I've never seen this puzzle before. Wow, it's really cool...or--as we would say back then--groovy, far out, and outta site! I guess Alice and Sam the butcher are having a picnic of their own.

    1. I'll bet you're right about Alice and Sam. He was known for bringing the meat.
