Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Toast to 2020

I make no excuses for my toaster obsession.  I don't know what it is.  Something about the comfort and civility of just eating some toast with a cup of coffee.

I picked up this GE toaster at an estate sale about a month ago.  It's getting to the point where I need to sneak these things into our home.  As I've mentioned before, there's really no good way to photograph chrome appliances.  They always look worse than in person.  This toaster displays very well in person.

I would put this toaster in the 1940's.  Gone are the deco designs (though the lines hint at it) and there's a stylized wheat ear along with some stars.  The knobs look more plastic than Bakelite.

It's the old manual flip style toaster.  Pop-ups would rule the 1950's, so I put it before that.

It has an expandable hinge for English Muffins, although I found I didn't need to expand it. Maybe for bagels, but I haven't tried those yet.

This toaster toasts much more evenly than the similar Hotpoint model I have.

On the Hotpoint, the top browns much quicker because of the shorter distance to the heating coils with the way the bread leans toward them.  This model overcomes that by having hotter coils at the bottom, a mid range and a lighter top coil.

This model is a GE 149T48.  As I said, I didn't have any luck finding the manufacture year on it, but the model number could be interpreted as a 1948 or '49 model.

It toasts English Muffins equally well.

And now I raise my toast to you.  A Happy and Prosperous 2020.


  1. never apologize for loving and collecting old chrome appliances. they are a joy to behold, and that they get use is even better. happy new year, tom!

    1. Happy 2020, FrankO! How did we get here? 2020 was for the Jetsons.

  2. Very nice! I love that you have a toaster obsession. I love vintage appliances. I just bought a vintage stand mixer before Christmas and made my cookie dough with it. Happy 2020 to you.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sharon. I don't have any vintage stand mixers (yet), but I do have a vintage electric hand-mixer and a number of vintage coffee percolators too, not mention a standing roasting oven.

  3. I didn't know you were a toaster fanatic. LOL I never owned an old one, but think these vintage ones are pretty cool. Happy 2020!
