Monday, February 17, 2020

A Peanut's Demise

The recent brouhaha over Mr. Peanut's death reminded me of this booklet I have.  "Mr. Peanut's Guide to Nutrition" from 1973 is a promotion for Mr. Peanut products disguised as a nutrition guide.  Oh, and it was owned by "Jeff".

Mr. Peanut is clearly not happy with this boy's weight. I see a cane beating in his future.

All kidding aside, I think I'd eat any of those recipes (well, maybe not the "Mr. Peanut's Sloppy Joes".  I was never a big peanut butter eater as a kid, but it's one of my "go-tos" for an evening snack these days.

I don't think the "connect the dots" result came as a big shock.

The fact that the answers for this booklet are filled out leads me to believe this was done as part of a classroom exercise. Either that, or Jeff was a really weird kid.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, Mr. Peanut seemingly died in an act of self-sacrifice  last month.

And in case you didn't see the Superbowl commercial and are worried about the fate of Mr. Peanut, rest assured, he lives.


  1. Well light corn syrup, margarine, packaged pudding, and marshmallows would not be included in my healthy diet. Aside from the cabbage, veggies and fruits feature very little here.

    1. Yeah! Where's the "ants on a log"? (Peanut butter on celery with raisins for those of you who somehow never did this as a child).

    2. Great idea- ants on a log is perfect. Perhaps apple slices with peanut butter could be included. Both are easy for kids to make.

  2. did Mr. Peanut have an actual name? i mean, he must have, right?

    1. Apparently, it's Bartholomew Richard Fitzgerald-Smythe. But I'll admit, I had to Google it.

    2. well blow me down. at least it sounds like a name you'd *expect* him to have. so wait, is "Fitzgerald-Smythe" his last name? or is his name Bartholomew Richard Fitzgerald-Smythe Peanut?

    3. Holy cow! You're right! How can he be "Mr. Peanut" if his last name is "Fitzgerald-Smythe"? Is it an honorary name? Further research is demanded!

    4. this is what social media is for. we can demand that the company clear this up!

    5. According to Wikipedia (all hail Wikipedia!) " He is reportedly of British heritage and has the proper name of Bartholomew Richard Fitzgerald-Smythe." So it would seem it is an honorary name rather than legal.

    6. hmmm. so are we back at square one, then? what is his full name?

      (or, is it really simply Barty Peanut? haha)

  3. That's a really cool booklet! It's too bad they didn't credit the illustrator.

    1. It has a familiar style. So much commercial illustration went uncredited, it's a shame.
