Sunday, November 1, 2020

Halloween Post Mortem 2020

Well, once again, Halloween has come and passed.  I may have stretched the idea of Halloween on a few posts this month, but overall, I think I kept it focused.  I managed to once again churn out a post per day, which believe me required some stretching.

So how did I do?

Based on my site's statistics, readership peaked on October 19th with 529 views.  Total views for the month was 9,980 which is down about 2,000 from last year.

Once again, the top referring site was Google which demonstrates I don't have so much a following as a stumbling.  People end up on my site from random searches which I guess speaks to the diversity of the subjects I cover.  The top non-Search Engine referring site was the Countdown itself, which makes sense. I do want to take this opportunity to thank the new admins for stepping up to make another year of the Countdown possible. Thanks Michelle and Michael!

Beyond those, I got some referrals from some of my fellow bloggers.  Though they didn't participate in the Countdown, they did turn out posts this month.  Check out Mayor Todd's video over at Neatocoolville and read about Kirk's Holy Grail horror cassette tape find over at SecretFunSpot.  Rounding out the usual suspects is Erick's site over at WonderfulWonderBlog.  Erik participated in the Coundown this month by sharing some of his favorite horror magazine covers.  Be sure to swing over and check them out.

And what about my blog?  The most popular post from this season was "The Monsters Go Disco""Halloween Slicks -- Witches Edition" rounded out the top 10.

And who were my readers?  Not surprisingly, the vast majority were here in the United States, followed by Canada, and Germany.  I did have some readers in Romania this month, which seems appropriate for Halloween.

Since Google was my top referring site, let's take a look at what topics brought Googlers here.

It's interesting (or telling) to note that the top referring key words numbered 2 or only 1, again speaking to wide variety of topics that bring people to my blog.  It's also interesting to try to understand why someone reached my site given the search word.  Most of these make sense with the exception of "kiddeo mail". I have no idea what that is or how it would lead to my blog.

Another measure of my Countdown success is new readers.  In addition to my usuals (you know who you are), I had a few new readers drop by and leave comments including Erin, Jamdin, DBenson, Michelle from the Countdown (who made that above and beyond effort to visit everyone's blog this season), and Barbecue17.  Thanks for the visit!

So now that Halloween is over, now what?  Traditionally (and by that, I mean the last few years), the post-Halloween season has been a down time for me.  Garage sales are over.  I do have a huge backlog of Christmas items I could blog about and maybe I will.  But generally, I'm blogged out after posting for 31 days and take a break.  But it won't be a  permanent one, I will be back.

Until next year, enjoy the holidays and maybe I'll see you online at some point.

Oh, and as always, thanks for dropping by!


  1. Long time lurker sir. Keep up the good work I am a fellow estate sale hanger on. I am always amazed at the "throw away" items that people keep for a half a century. All the better for us, eh?

    1. Thanks, Unknown. Lurking is absolutely welcome here, but it's also good to hear from you. I agree, that generation hung on to everything, much to our benefit. I'm afraid that's not true of the last couple generations. There won't be much (physically) for them to leave behind.

  2. I enjoyed your post during the Halloween season this year Tom. You have inspired me to start shopping garage sales this year.

    1. That's great to hear, Lady M. Be sure to share your stories!

  3. romania? wow -- gotta be vampires looking for stories of vampire coverage. another great month down, thank you as always, tom! happy holidays to all, and happy election day. see you all on the other side!

  4. Thanks for a great season Tom! Looking forward to more garage sale finds and anything else you have to offer!

    1. Thanks, Philly, enjoyed your blog as well (I'm still catching up on reading it). Here's to next Halloween and hope to see you in between.

  5. Wait how did I miss the sticker post! I need to catch up spent the week of Halloween just enjoying everything around me and spending time with the kids. My videos should be posted soon! Thanks for all you do still one of my favorite blogs of all time.

    1. Understood, Bob. That's exactly what you should have been doing. And thanks for the compliment! Makes this worthwhile.
