Wednesday, June 30, 2021

How's About a Nice Hawaiian Blog?


I found this Hawaiian cutey at a recent sale.  She's plastic and tin and a wind-up.  She was made in Japan and probably dates to the 1960's.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A Crushing Find

Although I have absolutely no use for this 1960's Rival Ice-O-Mat Ice Crusher, I couldn't leave it behind for $2. It's in remarkable condition.

Monday, June 28, 2021

A Sketchy Mystery

 I find myself apologizing once again for the state of this blog.  Here we are in the throws of summer and nary a post about my garage sale adventures.  Rest assured, I've been at it weekend in and weekend out and treasures(?) have been found. I just haven't taken time to write about any.  So let me start off this summer with this freebie I found a few weeks ago.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

And Now the Rest...

The odd thing with my garage sale experiences is once I find something, even if it's something I've never seen before, I tend to find another or related item in quick succession.  Maybe I'm just more aware, having found the first, but I don't think so.

While out garage saling this morning, my eyes landed on this in a box of assorted items.  I immediately recognized it.

Friday, June 4, 2021


I found these colorful aluminum stirrers at an estate sale for a dollar. With a decorative leaf for the bowl end of the spoon, I they must be for iced tea rather than alcohol. And just in time for summer!