Friday, September 17, 2021

Punk Metal

I didn't buy this, but I couldn't resist taking a picture of it at an estate sale today.  You expect to see this sort of thing on a school notebook, but a toolbox?

I have to admit, I didn't recognize all (or even most) of these bands.  I was never into punk music, but even I'm familiar with The Clash and The Sex Pistols.

The lyrics to "Mr. Ed" around the border is a nice touch.

I have to wonder if this toolbox actually belonged to this kid or Dad went out to the garage one day and had the shock of his life.  "SEX PISTOLS?!"

How many do you recognize?


  1. I recognize the Circle Jerks and Black Flag. Most of this is old punk circa late 1970's. I was into punk and underground music as a teen. I am surprised for example that the Dead Kennedys, UK Subs, Stiff Little Fingers, Sham 69, and 999 did not make the cut. It was a challenge to find punk at that time when all your peers were into Journey and Michael Jackson especially in the suburban midwest. One really had to dig at the record store and take a lot of chances on music.

    1. the DK/Dead Kennedys logo is above the "Sid is not dead" part on the bottom photo, top/left corner. took me awhile to find it, too! i thought the logo in the bottom/right corner was it at first and now i'm wondering who that is...

    2. Actually, I have heard of the Circle Jerks too (though not familiar with their music). What you said about suburban midwest? Guilty as charged. :)

    3. Totally missed that DK. It looks like he might have attempted it in a few other places too like above Black Flag.

    4. FrankO that totally could be a sideways DK.

  2. honestly? all of them. Tim Ware is kind of a deep cut in my book. this looks like my old Pee Chee folders from high school, but the punk version instead of the classic rock version. love it! i would've bought this. how much was it?

    1. replying to my own comment because i'm an idiot. it's not Tim Ware (who's a whole other kind of musician, lol) it's TIME WARP. ok, don't know that one. lol

    2. I'm not sure how much it was, there wasn't a price tag on it. But I can't imagine it was much. It was being sold as a ratchet set, not the cultural time capsule it is. It was still there today when I went back for 25% off.
