Sunday, October 10, 2021

Bat Jiggler

 I've found a plethora of these bat jigglers over the years.  They seem to be one of the most common Halloween decorations.  And I can't resist them.

The elastic loop on this bat is broken, but makes jiggling no less possible or fun.

This particular bat was made in Hong Kong, so he likely dates from the 1970's.

These bat jigglers are still being manufactured in China in pretty much the same design.


  1. i never understood the appeal of the bat jigglers. spiders, sure, but the bats? same with the skeletons -- why? and this one is especially odd because it has multiple eyes, so it's like the person who made the mold somehow confused spiders and bats? anyway, it's true there's a lot of them.

    1. Spider-bat, Spider-bat, does whatever a Spider-bat does...

      But seriously, you can flap their wings. Boingy boingy!

  2. I've had a few of those through the years.

  3. Looks like the exact same "bat on a string" used in a LOT of cheap horror movies!

    (The Countdown to Halloween sent me here!)

    1. Yes, I'm sure it made its fair share of appearances in B grade Vampire movies. Thanks for stopping by, Richard!
