Friday, October 8, 2021

Fosta Funglasses

 I found a pair of Fosta Funglasses back in 2015 and blogged about them during that year's Countdown to Halloween.

This past summer, I found this pair sitting amongst a bucket of modern Halloween decorations.  It was late in the day and I was surprised no one had discovered them.

The glasses originally came on a backer card that looked like this:

These plastic Funglasses were made by Foster Grant in the 1960's and featured a variety of designs including black cats, skulls and bats.


  1. Is it easy to see out of those little mouth openings??

    1. Actually, I never tried because they're a little small for my head, but I just tried now and yes, they line up fine.

  2. uh oh, now you need to collect the whole set!

    in related news, are you going to decorate your yard this year?

    1. >uh oh, now you need to collect the whole set!
      I'd love to have the rest which I believe are just the Bats and the Skulls. I've never seen those in the wild.
      >uh oh, now you need to collect the whole set!
      But of course. I haven't yet. I normally don't decorate outside until 2 weeks before as we always get a wind storm in October and it destroys everything.
