Friday, December 10, 2021

Let's Get this Christmas Thing Going

I know you've been asking, where's Tom been lately?

Okay, you probably weren't asking that, but I'm back after a mostly on-hiatus November.

Let's kick off the Christmas season with a few finds from the past year (and there were a lot of them).

Up first are these 3 "melted plastic popcorn" decorations.  They're actually called "Glitter Plaques".  They date from the 1970's.

It might be a slow start to the Garage Sale Christmas Season, but I promise to post more this month.


  1. you need to hit up my aunt and uncle for more of these. i'm sure they have at least that Rudolph, and there's others. i never liked them. Maybe they will let you have them. I'm willing to bet they are still stored in the basement.

    Speaking of Rudolph, my favorite trivia this year is L. Frank Baum's alternate names for Santa's reindeer in his "Life and Adventures of Santa Claus" book, from 1902: Flossie and Glossie, Racer and Pacer, Fearless and Peerless, Ready and Steady, and Feckless and Speckless.

    Why no Rudolph, and why an extra one? i have no idea. and that poor one named Feckless! what a sad name!

    1. Where does Baum get off renaming them?! Heresy!

      Don't think the other kids took the vintage Christmas decorations from your Aunt and Uncle?

    2. i'll ask them, but i doubt it. they all have their own things going decoration-wise, i'm sure. i'll keep you posted!

  2. Those are some nasty fungal infections on Frosty's and Santa's hands.

    Hope the North Pole has a free clinic.

  3. We had those two first ones when I was a kid. I loved the way they felt. All those little pieces of plastic fused together had a cool texture.

  4. Nostalgia bomb! Hope you and yours are having a good holiday season.

    1. Glad you enjoyed, Joe. And as always, thanks for stopping by. Hope your season is Jolly.

  5. I was asking "where's Tom been lately..."
