Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Uncanny Finds -- Christmas Edition

I've previously blogged this can, but it's been nearly 10 years, so it deserves another look.

This can of powdered A&P Egg Nog was still about 3/4 full when I found it, hinting at its potability.  "A Sterilized Product".  Thank God it can't reproduce.


It dates from 1974, so I doubt it improved with age.  You have to wonder, if the original owner didn't drink it the first year, did they think they would in subsequent years?  I have to admit, I threw it out without even testing it and I kind of regret it, simply out of scientific and historic interest.

On the side of the can are recipes for both Egg Nog Pancakes and Egg Nog French Toast.  Why not Egg Nog Waffles or Egg Nog Crepes? Egg Nog funnel cake?  Egg Nog beignets?  The possibilities are endless!  Actually, they're not. I can't think of any more.

I believe I've told here before that my dad worked for A&P for nearly 30 years before getting fired for checking himself out when picking up milk for me at the end of his shift.  It was a couple lean Christmases before he found permanent employment, a much better job as it turned out.

As for egg nog, I am one of few people I know that like it.  My youngest daughter is the only one in my family that also drinks it.  However, I don't think I could stomach (literally) powdered egg nog, even one made this year. Surprisingly, it's still sold.


  1. A&P was our store of choice for years. Then it just disappeared from the midwest around the 1980's and I never saw one again.

    1. They were on the decline even in the early '70's which was what was really behind my dad being fired. They needed to reduce salaries and my dad had worked there for nearly 30 years.

  2. eggnog doughnuts, anyone? i totally would've tried the powder from '74. missed Youtube stardom!

    i don't recall that story about your dad. hard times! and i like eggnog, but only the original, real stuff -- not that phlegm in a carton you can get in the stores now. BLECH!

    1. Of course, eggnog doughnuts. Yeah, it would have been a hit with the fans of the Youtube fad of opening and eating old food. I have to admit it's guilty pleasure of mine (watching it, not eating it). We have a local dairy that makes fresh egg nog. You would like it.

  3. Never had an A&P. But I do love Egg Nog, as do my kids. But my wife despises it. More for me. :)
