Monday, June 6, 2022

Skyline Chili

 I found these plates at an estate sale this past weekend.

I'd never heard of Skyline Chili and after doing some research, found it was a chain in Cincinatti, Ohio.

Established in 1949 (as stated on the plate), it was so named for the view of the Cincinnati Skyline from the first restaurant location.

Skyline was started by Greek immigrant Nicholas Lambrinides.  Apparently, the "chili" served there isn't the traditional chili most Americans are used to, but rather a chili sauce that's served over hot dogs ("coneys") and spaghetti.

These plates commemorate Skyline's 35th anniversary.  They are still in business, although the family sold out to an investment group in 1998.  

I visited Cincinnati a few years ago.  Had I known about Skyline, I would have made an effort to drop by for a coney.

***Update*** A tip of the Top Hat to Top Cat James for the tip-off (is that enough "tips" and "tops"?) about the Skyline Chili segment of "The Simpson's".


  1. love the plates! the logo (?) or graphic depicted on the plates looks like a fictional chain, though, which is kind of amusing -- like something in a TV show or something.

    1. Yeah, it kinda does. It could be a sitcom that takes place in a diner: "Skyline Chili".

  2. There was an episode of The Simpsons two years ago, "The Road to Cincinnati", where Principle Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers eat at a Skyline Chili in the final scene. Even better, they recreate the end credits to WKRP with the theme song and even the same fonts!

    1. I've never seen that episode. Now I must seek it out. Thanks Top Cat!

    2. did you say WKRP? i haven't kept up with the Simpsons in years, but now i gotta watch that episode!

    3. Oog--Make that "Principal". Maybe I need to go to Springfield Elementary.

      Frank, they actually reference WKRP during the show AND the end credits. I checked the schedules of Freeform and FXX all the way to the 19th to see if the episode might be airing, but no luck so far. If I see it scheduled in the future, I will report back.

      In the meantime, you can see a pic of the restaurant as seen in the episode:

    4. I updated this post with a clip from Youtube. I'll have to look for the whole episode on Disney+.

    5. I did watch the whole episode last night. Good episode. I love that they used the actual closing song to WKRP in the ending credits. What IS that guy singing? (Kidding, I now know it was just gibberish, but when I was a kid, I desperately tried to figure out what he was saying).

    6. i read somewhere that the closing song was gibberish because they didn't have the budget to pay for an actual song, so they just made up a fake one that sounded like a real one, deftly avoiding having to pay for both an actual song and the subsequent royalties every time the show aired. lightning in a bottle, that show was.
