Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Egg and Eyes

I'll be honest.  This almost made a "Stuff I can Live Without" blog.  But something about it called to me.  The colors, the late 60's mod design, the lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye.

Turns out, it's a bank.  What child wouldn't want this nightmare to hold their life's savings?

"Tacy".  I'm not sure if that was the former owner or if this was actually a ceramic piece someone made.  There are remnants of a price sticker that appears to have once said "SALE" and a price.  I'm not sure if that's an original retail sticker or something perhaps from a thrift store.

***UPDATE*** Thanks to eagle-eyed commenter American Toycoon, the word has been identified as "Italy". That makes so much more sense than "Tacy".

Anyway, it was a buck and I thought it was weird enough that I might be able to sell it. However, when I got it home, my daughter took a shine to it and now uses it as her piggy bank.


  1. i definitely see (no pun intended) a connection to Gig and Keane stuff from the late 1960s. pretty nifty!

    1. I didn't make that connection, but you're right!

  2. And because of this bank you'll never put on a life jacket again?

    1. Glad someone got my Jaw's reference. Just when you thought it was safe to save money again.

  3. It looks hand painted but I agree that I could definitely live without it.
