Friday, October 14, 2022

Ceramic Ghost and Jack O' Lantern

I recognized this popular design as taken from a Gurley candle.  This is a ceramic mold based on that.

He stands 12" tall and is painted rather nicely.

There have been other decorations modeled after this Gurley candle design including this highly-desirable blow mold.

It reminds me of another ceramic Halloween decoration I found a couple years ago that also mimicked a popular blowmold.

There are no marks on this ceramic ghost.  There were several ceramic companies producing (and possibly still producing) Halloween molds in the 1970's and 80's including Atlantic, Byron and Kimple.  I've seen this one attributed to Atlantic on eBay auctions, but haven't found anything definitive.


  1. It is possible that ceramic was made by a crafter. I used to do ceramics back in 1980 - I glazed a cool ghost with a pumpkin head.

  2. No I can't find a picture of the mold I painted but it was tall - 12" to 15" and was running. The white came over the pumpkin head like a cloak but the face was a jack o lantern. My mom had it for years. I love my ceramics at 16 - painting things with a bunch of old ladies suited me just fine. I had to leave though because I kept getting asked out by this guy who worked there who I really had no interest in and it felt awkward.

    1. That's too bad you had to quit for that reason. My wife was briefly into ceramics as well when we were dating back in the '80's.
