Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Tears (and Blood) of a Clown

Bridging off of yesterday's post, I present this Collegville/Imagineering Vampire Blood from 1995.  This also answers the question, whatever happened to Imagineering.

Again, I prefer the 1970's art by Gordon Vigis to the phographed models.  I do like the illustration for the "How To Use" though.

I've previously written of my love of Imagineering, particularly their Vampire Blood and how I attempted to use it effectively one Halloween, "attempted" being the key word.

Apparently, Collegeville bought out Imagineering some time between 1990 and 1995.  I'm not sure of the current status of Collegeville.  They still have a brick and mortar location, but I suspect they no longer manufacture costumes.

It is nice to see they gave Ronald a job after McDonald's unceremoniously dumped him.  Kidding, of course, as this was obviously prior to McDonald's shelving him during the 2016 clown scare.  But seriously... Dude needs a job.


  1. funny, i remember the packaging but don't remember the "Imagineering" name -- but i do remember the Collegeville name for whatever reason. At least their photos more accurately depict what's possible! not a fan of their illustrations, though, sorry.

    1. Collegeville was the "also ran" of the costume world to Ben Cooper. That might be a little harsh. They actually had some good costumes.
