Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Ghost Book

There's a long tradition of posting complete strangers' childhood drawings on this blog.  And it seems like they are almost always Halloween themed. I think it's because Halloween seems to bring out the most imaginative images, those of ghosts, ghouls and goblins.

Back in 2014, I shared this "Brew Print"

In 2019, I shared this picture and my own childhood story. 

Today, I bring you an entire book of drawings. Okay, it's only 4 pages long.  But in the words of Count Floyd,  oooooohhhh, it's SCARY!  From approximately 1980, I give you "The Ghost Book".

I don't put this here to make fun of the drawings, but the more I look at that ghost, the more it looks like a balloon erupting from a volcano.  You can also see the ghost of a misspelled and erased "gost" behind the title.

Here we see a castle with a nice pair of knockers.  I'm not sure what the swirling dot/dash form in the courtyard is.  A ghost? Leaves? The Zarn (if ya know, ya know)? I do like the gnarled tree.  I believe I see a ghost (or an erased one) looking out the window.

Ghost in the graveyard
"Ooooooooh, I only lived to be 60!"

Depressed ghost in the graveyard
"What are you complaining about? I only lived to be 57..."  (I found myself saying that in the voice of "Strong Sad".)

The end, I guess?  I'm not sure if the story wasn't finished or this is all the original author intended. Make up your own story and share in the comments.


  1. Balloon Eruption Ghost is best ghost! My story would be... One night, in the Knockerton churchyard, Jasper the Ghost put on his best scaring face! Unfortunately, everybody else in the graveyard was dead, so there was no-one to appreciate it, which made Jasper rather depressed....

    1. I like it. Like the parable "If a tree falls in a forest..." If a ghost is alone in a graveyard, is he really there?

  2. the wind howled, blowing all the leaves off the tree in the front yard of the old mansion. in the graveyard, the noise caused the ghost to awaken, and he was ANGRY! so he killed more people, increasing the size of the graveyard. but having more bodies nearby didn't ease his pain, and he was sad. the end.

    1. Horrifying. An insatiable appetite to kill!

  3. Fun stuff (The Zarn!) - Whoever made this had no clue the future would see their little book available for the world to enjoy.

    1. I always imagine them somehow stumbling upon it some day and going, "Wait a minute..."

  4. I also read that in Strong Sad's voice because of the ghost's expression :D

  5. Not sure if my last comment went through so I am gonna say it again, those are bats coming from the castle. Love the knockers - very realistic although they look a little old to me.

    1. >those are bats coming from the castle.
      I can see that.
      >Love the knockers - very realistic although they look a little old to me.
      They are a little saggy.
