Sunday, October 8, 2023


This is going to be a quick one.  It's after 10 on Saturday night and I have to get up early to go work all day on the family farmhouse.

I know I and most of my readers have a sense that the 90's were just 10 years ago, but this 1991 Budweiser "I Want to Drink Your Bud" bumper sticker is 32(!) years old.

I couldn't find out much about this campaign.  I'm sure it had commercials to go with it with vampires "vanting" to drink your Bud.  The early 90's were heavy into the monster-themed advertising.  I recall Pepsi/Frito-Lay having a similar campaign as well.

As of late, I've noticed an increasing nostalgia for the 90's, due mainly the children of the 90's hitting their 40's, but even in myself. It was inevitable.


  1. I was a teenager/young adult in the 90s. Budweiser was my go-to beer to get drunk, before I discovered microbreweries. I'm glad there's now 90s nostalgia, although it doesn't make me feel any younger.

    1. >it doesn't make me feel any younger.
      The word "nostalgia" derives from the Greek words "nostos" and "algos" which mean "return pain". It makes you both happy and sad.

  2. the 90s nostalgia is back (again!). First hit hit for the Millennials, and now it's hitting for Zoomers. It even applies to those of us who are Xers. Man, i have no memory of this campaign. It really must have been short-lived! (also, it's so lazy, lol)

    We were at league bowling night on friday and (finally!) the bowling alley was playing all 90s music. We were commenting on the fact that, really, that was the most appropriate music to be playing for the majority of the bowlers in the league right now, since Xers and younger seem to be the bulk of the players. There's plenty of Boomers, but it seems like they are now getting slightly outnumbered now.

    1. Yes, a lot of it is who's in the prime money-earning age, the target marketing group, not to mention the age of the people doing the marketing.

  3. We were watching a movie and the adults had a flashback to their childhood 30 years ago - as in 1992. I did not like that.

    1. Yeah, I always chuckle when I hear younger people reminisce about the way-back 90's, but then I realize it was 30 years ago and a lifetime for them. My kids barely made the tail end of the 90's and they're in their 20's.
