Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble (with Her Head)

 I found this little witch minus her head at a sale last year.  Fortunately, someone was wise enough to put her head in the Jack O' Lantern along with the pumpkins.  A little Elmer's later and she was as good as new.

She's made by Relpo of Japan who were primarily known for "head" vases.  Ironic, hunh?  She's dated 1967.

Don't lose YOUR head this Halloween, just HEAD over to The Countdown and check out all the HEADliners there!  Okay, I'm done.


  1. aww, that's so cute. nice that someone saved her head, so you could re-attach it and give her new life.

  2. Very nice figurine, glad that you could repair her!

  3. She is an absolute beauty - glad you found her head.

  4. Great find. Wonder if the last owners were cursed when they broke her? ;)
