Friday, October 6, 2023

Devilish Swizzle Sticks

Though I'm not an imbiber, I've long had a fascination with bar culture and its accessories, particularly swizzle sticks.  It probably goes back to when my mom and dad would go out for New Year's Eve and would always bring home swizzle sticks from their drinks.

I came across these devilish twins a couple months ago.

They're advertisement for Smirnoff Vodka.

The campaign dates from 1968 and was promoted with the following ad.
Image courtesy

A similar campaign was launched in 1972, but this time it was promoting the "Vampire Gimlet".
Image courtesy eBay

The swizzle sticks were resurrected, but now cast in purple plastic.

Image courtesy eBay

Apparently, the only difference between a devil and a vampire is color.


  1. Hee hee - those are some sexy swizzle sticks.

  2. Those are fun. We never had them, but did have the comic napkins with drunk people on them.

    1. Those are fun too. I've had a few sets over the years.

  3. Weird.... a few years later Imperial Whiskey did their "Imp" ads, featuring a pan-like character. And a year or so after that; DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS!!!! Coincidence, or were the concerned citizens right about the secret influence of devilish powers...? (cue dramatic music)

    1. The Devil does hide his ways into our lives. Don't forget heavy metal.
