Sunday, October 15, 2023

Please Don't Haunt the Charmin

There are many mysteries in the Universe.  Some things have no reason to exist.  This is one of them.

I've no idea why someone would want Halloween-themed toilet paper, but the fine folks at Amscan thought there was a market.  Now if it glowed in the dark, that might be helpful for those nighttime runs (C'mon! Not what I meant!)

I'm not sure if the "boos" are meant to scare you, or the ghosts are rating your bathroom performance.  And exactly what would you have had to have done in life that cursed your soul to an afterlife as a roll of toilet paper?

I've already done research on the Amscan company.  From a previous post:

Despite the corporate site's "About Us" stating "Our founders were American and Scandinavian…hence AMSCAN", the only founder I was able to identify was Elvera Svenningsen who started the business with $1,000 out of the family garage.  Elvera was married to Anders Svenningsen, clearly a Scandinavian name. Maybe Elvera was "American", although no mention is made of Anders playing a role in the company.  Elvera was an importer of honeycomb party decorations and "expendable turkeys"; I'm assuming the paper kind.

Amscan was eventually taken over by Elvera's son John who operated it until his passing in 1996.  John's children were not interested in the company, so it was taken over by employees who took the company public.  It has since expanded and even purchased Party City in 2005, the company that was once it's biggest customer.


  1. You never know. Some Halloween fans might be clamoring for this.

    1. With 5 kids, I often find myself clamoring for toilet paper at the most inconvenient times. Maybe I should hide this roll somewhere...
