Sunday, October 1, 2023

Halloween -- I Swear Its Still My Bag, Baby, Even If I'm Late!

Holy cow, it's here!  Welcome to Halloween 2023!

This is the first time in my 10 (TEN!) years of participation in the Countdown to Halloween that I've been late.  In fact, normally by now I have at least a week loaded up waiting to deploy. I'm so embarrassed.

I had good intentions.  I thought about it many times during September.  I would have sworn I had another week to go, but here we are!

So no more excuses, let's get going.  First up is this year's bag!

I saw this bag at an estate sale over the winter. They had some crazy price like $25 on it so I passed.  But then they announced there would be a fill-a-bag sale for $5 at noon that day. So I waited around.  Come noon, I was in the house headed to the the room with this bag.  Surprisingly, no one had grabbed it yet.  I did.  Then filled up my bag with lots of other treats and paid my $5.

Here's a better scan of the image.

I like the way the kids are terrified, hiding behind the tree from the witch.  However, I'm not so sure they're any safer with that demonic bunny that's with them.  Come to think of it, maybe they're going to jump the witch.  The tree looks quite concerned as does the moon.  The things they've seen. Oh, God, the things they've seen.

So that's it for the kickoff to my Countdown to Halloween.  I promise I'll try to keep up for the rest of the month.

Be sure to head over to The Countdown and visit all the bloglins; they're handing out fun-sized treats to all the good Trick or Treaters.


  1. It's still October 1st, not really late dude! And that bag is quite an awesome get. Love it.

  2. i agree -- it's still October first, you're on time and in the clear. Your reputation remains stellar! i like the expression on the witch, and the style in general. gives me Merrie Melody vibes.

    1. Well, I try to get these posts out by midnight of the day so you have all day to read at your leisure, but thanks for understanding.

  3. As someone who almost always gets behind, welcome to the club (kidding). Your not late at all and nice bag!

  4. I'd say it's the witch that's the victim here! :)

    Happy Halloween Tom!

    1. The more I look at it, I agree. She seems to be having a good time, strolling on her favorite day of the year, only to be jumped by the demonic bunny gang.
      And Happy Halloween to you, Philly!

  5. Cool trick or treat bag. How big is it?

    1. The bag itself is 14" tall by 12" wide. Wit the handle, it's 19".
