Sunday, October 29, 2023

Witch Costume Will You Wear?

With Halloween days away, it's time to start seriously thinking about your costume.  How about a Halloween witch?

This witch's costume dates from the 1950's. It was a surprisingly cheap find at an estate sale (I think I paid $1). 

The skirt features a witch riding high on her broom with the moon and stars in the background.

The jacket has gold glitter outlining yet another witch and a black scratch cat, likely her "familiar".

All you need now is a mask and a broom and you're on your way.

What was your favorite Halloween costume as child?


  1. What is that costume made out of? if it's the 1950s, it's gotta be polyester, right? i love the artwork on it. who knew witches back then were so glam? My favorite DIY halloween costume as a kid was in 1977, and of course, i was Obi-Wan Kenobi. We dyed sheets to make my jedi robes, and i had a big beard made out of cotton. everyone i knew then dressed as Star Wars characters that year, and many years after that.

    i always (secretly) give the kids who show up now as certain genres extra candy -- any SW, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, &tc always thrills me to no end -- but also, just any kid who takes the time and has the passion to make their own costume gets extra from me. Teens who wear the Scream mask? man, put some effort into it, jeez.

    1. >What is that costume made out of?
      It's a slick material, so yeah, probably polyester.
      >i was Obi-Wan Kenobi.
      That was pretty original and creative. Most kids would have gone for Luke or Darth Vader.

    2. yeah, Obi-Wan has always been my favorite character, which worked out because everyone else was definitely into dressing as all the rest of the gang, and stormtroopers.

  2. My eldest sister wore that costume back in the day. I will have to find the picture when I am able. It would have been around 1964.

    1. That would be fun to see. 1964 would jibe too. Sometimes it's hard to tell the 50's from the early 60's style-wise.
