Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Be Mine

I hope everyone's wearing their neck brace, because we're going from Halloween to a head-snapping Valentine's Day post.  Somehow, Thanksgiving and Christmas was lost in the shuffle.  

Truth is, I'm always burned out after 31 days of Halloween posting.  So I'll try to kick-start things with this post of Valentine's I found in the past year.

The majority of these came from a garage sale where I waited patiently as another person ahead of me cherry-picked the best of the lot.  After going for seconds, I saw the first person return and put back the Valentine's they had chosen, so I quickly grabbed those as well.

Most of these Valentine's date from the 1930's through the 50's.  Some are German made, others USA.  There's even a Canadian-made one.

Happy Valentine's Day and enjoy!

I'm not sure what a "Goofy Gumpus" is.  I thought it might be a comic strip character, but Google revealed nothing but a series of these Valentines.
This card appears to have been a mechanical one, but is missing the piece that would have come out of the pig's tuba.  Ha.  That's got to be the first time I've ever typed "the pig's tuba".

I have to admit, this one is kind of clever.

These next 3 are sucker holders made by E. Rosen company, also known as Rosbro, makers of fine plastic holiday decorations.

I'm not exactly sure what's going on with this Valentine. Is he singing?  And what are those black marks on his shin and shoe?  I can't tell if that's part of the Valentine or someone scratched something out.

This is the card you'd give to the kid you didn't like:

Speaking of Big Tops, this circus playset was with the Valentines.  I'm not sure if you were to give the whole set as a Valentine or what.  Of course, my favorite is the Side Show.

Well, that's all for now. I'm not making any promises, but hopefully I'll post something before Memorial Day.


  1. wow, nice work on animating those pull-tab ones at the top. these are great -- i agree that the circus side show is the best part. (and is anyone else bothered by the idea of cupids with guns instead of bows and heart-shaped arrows?)

    1. >Wow, nice work on animating those pull-tab ones at the top
      Thanks. It's a bit tedious scanning all the various positions, but I do like the end result.
      >and is anyone else bothered by the idea of cupids with guns
      Well, like Pat Benatar sang, "Love is a Battlefield".

  2. Great round up! Hope you are having a good 2024 so far.

  3. In the one where he's singing, I can't explain the black marks, but I took the title "Sweet Valentine" on his music to be a pun on the song "Sweet Adeline."

  4. Very cute, but of course no one will ever top I CHOO-CHOO-CHOOSE YOU.

    1. True, but I think Ralph Wiggum would appreciate any one of these.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Musiklover. I almost typed Muskilover. That's a whole other thing.

  6. EEEE! New post! I was getting worried for sec.
    I don't know what a "Gumpus" is either, but maybe it's a take on "Gumps?" (The popular comic strip family.) Also; with regards to this art style, is there a word for "adorable AND terrifying?"

    1. > I was getting worried for sec.
      Thanks for noticing, Don.
      >maybe it's a take on "Gumps?"
      As good a guess as any.
      >is there a word for "adorable AND terrifying?"
      Adorifying? Terriforable?
