Tuesday, March 5, 2024


This slide was simply titled "Latrine".  Talk about closeness.  I'm not sure that canvas wrap is really providing much privacy.  I have nightmares about this (not this particular slide, mind you, just this situation).  This is from the same set of slides as the previous post.  Talk about occupied in Japan. I presume our subject is taking the photo, which is a whole other level of weird.  I guess he wanted to let someone at home know about the arrangements.


  1. well, i guess there's one of the reasons soldiers used to feel like brothers, when conditions were this, uh, close.

  2. I have a photo of my grandfather during WW2 somewhere over there squatting on a river bank :D

    1. Man, I'm glad I re-read your comment. The first time I read it as "my grandmother".

  3. I can't believe some dude took a picture of the latrine especially while in use.
