Friday, September 27, 2024

The Toast

September 27th.  Almost October. Enough time for one more toaster. One more toaster before October. Just to keep our bread warm.

This is a pre-1920 Beardsley & Wolcott toaster.  It's a somewhat unusual design in that the toast drops in the top and then falls out the bottom once toasted.  One slice only.

Monday, August 5, 2024

For Amber Waves of Grain

More photos from the lot.  These two young ladies appear to be embracing shocks of wheat.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Planes, Sleighs and Automobiles (Sorry, No Trains)

Well, the last time I posted, Summer was just about to begin, now it's already in its final 1/3.  Time gets away from me these days.  I thought I'd try to make up for the lack of posts with a deluge of photos from the same lot as my last post.  First up is this 1930s American Airlines DC-3 "Flagship".

Friday, June 14, 2024

A Girl and her Mule(?)

I recently acquired a large collection of vintage photographs from an estate sale.  The photos date from the 1920's and 30's, so I'm assuming they were not taken by the person whose estate sale it was, but perhaps a parent or other relative.  From reading through them, it appears this person may have been a nurse and the photos are of many different people, perhaps friends and work acquaintances. Most were taken either in Cape Girardeau or St. Louis, Missouri.  The nice thing is, many are labeled with the name of the person in the photo and the date the photo was taken, a very uncommon practice from my own experience with vintage photos.  I plan on posting some of the more interesting ones over the upcoming weeks.  I also plan on attempting to locate relatives of the individuals in the photos to return the pictures or at least provide a scan for them.

Of course, having said that about the labeling of the photos, the first image I offer up has nothing on the back.  Just a girl and her mule(?).  I question that, because honestly, I'm not sure if it's a mule or a horse.  Initially, it looks like a horse, but then the ears look a little large and the mane seems a little tight.  Maybe someone with more horse/mule familiarity can clarify.

The shadowed line in the photo isn't a crease or a shadow on the scan, but rather appears to be a defect in the film.

I'd place this photo in the 1940's given the pants the girl is wearing. I believe these were called "Sailor's Pants".

Friday, June 7, 2024

Happy National Donut Day

National Donut Day is today.  National Donut Day National Donut Day was started in 1938 by the Salvation Army to commemorate the volunteers who served donuts to soldiers during WW I. In honor of that, I thought I'd share this short clip I found on an 8mm movie I picked up recently at an estate sale.  The film was labeled "Bowling" and features a men's bowling team in tournament in Madison, Tennessee sometime in the early to mid 1960's.  But the most interesting part of the film is this short clip where they stopped early in the morning for Krispy Kreme donuts, giving a peak into the look of the business (outside anyway).

The early morning sun reflects in the windows which allows a vague glimpse at the menu on the wall. Our bowler balances 4 dozen Krispy Kremes while a cigarette dangles from his lips.  A Krispy Kreme delivery van looms in the background.

While I prefer our local donut shop over Krispy Kreme, there is something about them when they glide off the assembly line hot and fresh.

Why not stop by your favorite donut shop today, Krispy Kreme or otherwise, and treat yourself?

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Sunday Morning Coffee

Okay, it's really Sunday afternoon, but I worked all night and went to bed at 8 a.m. this morning.

This Farberware model 206 was a recent find, although I have several in this identical or near identical design.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Flower Power

There's something poetic about this slide.  Something about the beauty of peacetime after the horrors of war.  Anyway, we've gone from squatting in the latrine to squatting in some flowers.

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