Wednesday, December 11, 2013

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How Aluminum are your Branches

I assembled this little mid century Christmas package from pieces I've picked up over the past few years. 

I found the tree at a garage sale for $4, the stand for $1 at an estate sale and the color wheel for $10 at another sale.

The vintage Shiny Brite ornaments on it were bought at various sales over the years.  I usually pay $1 or $2 for a box of them.

 I just found those wreaths hanging on the doors last weekend at an estate sale.  I think I paid $1 for the pair.

I bought this vintage skirt at a garage sale years ago.  I love the non-typical Santa.

The lady selling this color wheel had bought it not realizing it was missing the stand.  I bought it and as I was exiting her sale I noticed she had a flood lamp in a circular stand for sale for $1.  I picked that up and walked back to her and bought it.  Not sure if she put 1 and 1 together.  But as you can see, I did.

Incidentally, she had also bought an aluminum Christmas tree that was just branches, no trunk.  She wanted $10 for the branches, but I passed on that.


  1. heh - i just put up our tiny aluminum (repro, not vintage) tree last weekend. i put together our color wheel just to see if it still worked, and it works like a champ... except it's SO NOISY. i put a drop of oil on the mechanism, but i usually don't use it anyway, so i put it away. it's so cool that you have a full-sized one. now you need a vintage tree skirt!

    1. >now you need a vintage tree skirt!
      Okay, how about the one in the picture I just added?
