Sunday, June 29, 2014

High 'n' Dry

I found this diver cocktail glass/swizzle stick set at a garage sale this weekend for 50 cents.  I've never seen them before, but I'm guessing they date from the 1950's.  The divers are made of porcelain.

The thick bottom of the glass along with the blue of the plate give the illusion of water.

Bottoms up!

Monday, June 23, 2014

What was on TV June 23rd through 29th, 1979

Let's take a trip back in television history once again.  This time, it's 1979 and....Heeeeeeeeerrrrrreeeeee's JOHNNY!

Friday, June 20, 2014

What was on TV June 3rd through 9th, 1978

I'm a couple weeks late with this issue, but it couldn't be held another year -- it was just too good.  Friend John joins in once again with an assist on humor.

I don't think any TV Guide cover summed up the 1970's better than this one. Full of shattered glass, testosterone and hideous shirts.

Flash Cards of Note

I found these music flashcards at the estate sale of a former music teacher.  They date from the 40's.

We laugh in your face, Mr. Creepy Note

While the box has "Henry Teller & Son" on the front, the inside note attributes the cards to Musigame Features.

56 West 103rd Street, Chicago, Illinois.  Former site of Henry Teller and Sons.

 21421 Sloan Drive, Harper Woods, Michigan.  Former site of Musicgame Features. 

The teacher is advised to track their students progress.

"Name a Note" was somewhat simple.  The letter note on one side of the card:

And the bar note on the other.

"Name a Chord" is a little more involved.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Stick This in Your Pipe and Smoke It!

One of the vices I've tossed around and considered starting (not that I need another one), is pipe smoking.  My grandfather smoked a pipe and the smell of tobacco brings back memories of him.  It also seems so dang classy.

I found this full bag (emptied for scanning purposes) of Rochester Perfect Pipe Cleaners at an estate sale last week.  The 19 cent price tag and New York postal code "7" puts this probably in the 1940's or 50's.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Magic Ever-Lit Candles

Trick candles are one of those things I always saw on TV or in comic book ads when I was a kid, but never had.  So naturally I had to pick some up when I saw them at a sale.  I love the graphics.  

I'm not sure when they date from, but look very 1950's or 60's. It has a patent # 59747 on it, but I can't find that number for US, Mexico, or any other country's patent.

Magic candles typically have a flammable metal such as magnesium in the wick.  Magnesium has a relatively low combustion temperature and the ember left after blowing out the candle is enough to reignite it.

Lousy non-edible candles.

There are nine candles left in the package, so I'm good for a few more years of my youngest kids' birthdays.

American Home June, 1964

The June issue of "The American Home" has arrived.  This time, it's 1964.  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

June Laugh

To me, there's something about Summer and Comic Books that just seem to go together.  I'm sure it's my own memories of laying around in our basement (the only cool place in the house as we didn't have air conditioning) reading comics and playing "comic book store", a game I made up where I would display my comics and friends would come and "buy" them.   I was always a Marvel Comics reader, mainly the various Spider-man titles, but I had a few Archie comics, and though I would never admit it as a child, I secretly liked them.

I bought this "Laugh" comic book from a sale a few weekends ago.  It's number 159 from June of 1964.  It features Archie and the usual Riverdale gang. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Household How-To-Do-Its

I picked up this booklet, among other ephemera, for a dime at an estate sale.  I'm a sucker for these kind of booklets.  And some of the hints are still pretty handy.  It was published by Yellow Pages.  We just had a Yellow Pages, sorry "YP", dropped off at our house this week.  This booklet is almost as big as it was.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Smart Hostess and The Discriminating Host

Summer has arrived here in St. Louis and the temperatures are creeping into the 90's. Just the weather for a tall, iced drink.
Dating from 1954, this brochure for Rival features their various Ice-O-Mat ice crusher models along with some food and drink recipes which just happen to require crushed ice.  Enjoy, and let me know if you try any of these.