Sunday, November 30, 2014

Howelling Good Curbside Find

Back in October while driving home from work, I spotted three chairs put to the curb for trash.  The seats were an awful orange and brown, but I liked the backs and legs, so I threw them in my car and brought them home (my wife is very supportive, or at least tolerant).  As you can see, they were fairly worse for wear.  Someone had even spray-painted a nice purple splotch on the back of this one.

Monday, November 24, 2014

What was on TV November 20th through 26th, 1982

I apologize for being a bit scant this month.  The combination of gearing down from Halloween, the lack of garage/estate sales and gearing up for Christmas have put a crimp in my blogging.  But as consolation, here's this month's TV Guide from 1982 (the fat years).  Not a whole lot of comments this time, but I wanted to get this out before the week was up.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Old But Not So Grand Opry

I bought a frame at an estate sale this weekend which I intend to use as a record album frame.  These pictures came with it.  They appear to be a tribute to a night (or rather several nights) of fun among friends in my hometown of Oakville, Missouri.  I'm unsure of the year, but I would guess mid 60's.

Unfortunately, they cut the cover off of the program, so no details on the Western Opry.

The pictures were severely degraded from sunlight.  I did my best to restore them with varying results.

These appear to have taken place in either a church or school gymnasium.  That's a pretty impressive backdrop for a local production.

The above appears to be the only picture from the actual Opry.  Others are clearly from other events, such as these from a Roaring 20's get together.

Unfortunately, this picture ripped (they were all taped to the backer) when I tried to remove it.  That's a 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 behind them.

You'll notice where the oval matte laid.

The barbershop solo-ette there brought a big bottle of hooch.

Another impressive back drop.

I guess he figured a tuxedo was close enough, not really in the spirit though... this quartet.  If there was contest, I hope they won.  The sun-bleached matte oval makes this one look like they're in a spotlight.  Kind of a neat effect.

The sign in background may say "Opera Oakville Elementary" which would make sense and place these in a local school.

I would guess this was a Dogpatch party.  That's a great stereo.  I wish I'd found that at the estate sale.  I'm willing to bet they brought those guns into the school.  Different times.

And finally, ending with a chorus line.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Now Just About the Time Those Duke Boys Were Headed Past a Garage Sale...

Driving home from a friend's house a few weeks ago, I came across a late-day garage sale and stopped.  I found a few vintage 80's items and among them were these McDonald's collectors cups from 1982 featuring The Dukes of Hazzard.

"The Dukes of Hazzard" had one of the best tv intros of the late 70's/early 80's with great music by Waylon Jennings.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Woman's Day, November 1969

I'm back with another magazine from the collection I picked up last month.  I know, I just did one of these.  Hey, sales have been slow!  Again from November of 1969, it's "Woman's Day".  And it's only 20 cents!  Actually, to you it's free.  To me, it cost 50 cents, so I guess it averages out.

The promise of knitted items for both you and the family pet must have been an irresistible selling point.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Family Circle November, 1969

Last week at an estate sale, I came across a cache of old magazines for 50 cents each.  I can never pass these up.  I'm not sure why people hung on to 45-year-old magazines, but I'm glad they did.  The first magazine from this group I'll be posting is the November 1969 issue of Family Circle.  Warning, this one's picture (and poor joke) heavy.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween Post-mortem

Well, I survived the Countdown to Halloween.  I didn't think I'd have enough material, but I actually had more than enough.  43 posts in 31 days.  Whether it was all worthy remains a matter of opinion.

I gained 7 followers (and I thank you all) and discovered some new blogs to follow myself.  I also gathered my highest number of hits in a month since I've been writing this blog.  I came just short of 5,000 hits which I'm sure is a mere pittance compared to others out there, but it's about 2,000 over my average tally.

My posts will be slowing down now as I return to normal, particularly with the waning of the garage sale season (even though I manged to hit one today.  Didn't find anything.).  But stick around for the Christmas season as I unveil the past year's Christmas finds (and there a lot of them).

For now, I'll leave you with a final Halloween image.  From the November 1969 issue of Family Circle I give you "Apple Uglies".  Thank you and good night.