Friday, December 12, 2014

Hope Your Holiday Season is Measuring Up!

Pete and Clara Mealer opened Mealer's Cafe in Washington, Missouri in 1930 specializing in home-style cooking.  At some point, they must have changed the name to "Restaurant".  It's hard to tell when this metal ruler dates from.  Most likely the 1950's or 60's.  The restaurant was sold in 1972 and again in 1973.  It has since done business as "Cowan's Restaurant", home of the "Mile-High Pie".  

In 2005, they were featured in an episode of TLC's "Town Haul" in which small towns are given a "face lift" similar to other "overhaul" TV shows.  I recall at the time, many of the townspeople felt it ruined the hometown feel of the restaurant.

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