Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Twelve Days of Santa - Day One

Looking at the accumulation of Santa-related items I've picked up, I decided to do a feature I call "The Twelve Days of Santa" in which I will showcase one per day leading up to Christmas.  The Twelve Days of Christmas, contrary to a lot of peoples' understanding, are actually the twelve days after Christmas: The day after Christmas until The Epiphany which is January 6th.  Of course, most people are over Christmas by the day after, so I'm going to lead up to Christmas.  And afterall, this is the Twelve Days of Santa, not Christmas; we all know Santa kicks off his boots and settles in for a well-deserved snooze immediately after Christmas Eve.

My first submission is this die cut I bought this past year.  It's fairly large at 21 inches tall and 15 inches wide and probably dates from the 1940's or 50's.  It was a devil to scan.

The red is velvet flocking and the silver highlights are glitter.  If you're having trouble reading "Jimmy's" list, I've transcribed it below complete with misspellings.

Dear Santa:

Please bring me lots of new toys.  I want
1. Train
2. Books? (It could be "Looks", maybe Jimmy is really vain)
19.  airplane that flys  (We can't see the back side of the list so we have to skip 3 through 18, one can only imagine Jimmy's demands.)
20. games
21. bicycle
22. a collar for Bruce (he is my dog).  Bruce?  Bruce??
23. candy.  I like chocklits.  Hey, no one said Jimmy was a genius.
and don't forget my Mom and Dad.

I have been a good boy.

Jimmy (at least that's what I'm assuming is obscured by Santa's thumb).

Don't forget to join me tomorrow for Day 2.


  1. Fun way to countdown to Christmas. This is a great piece and looks to be in great condition.

  2. I remeber this one hanging up in a classroom when I was younger.
