Friday, December 19, 2014

The Twelve Days of Santa - Day 7

This is a smaller piece measuring about 6 inches tall.  It's an advertisement for The American Exchange National Bank and demonstrates how much you can save for Christmas by contributing various amounts throughout the year.  It probably dates from the 1940's or 50's.


  1. such a detailed illustration! i wonder who did it, laboring in obscurity. i bet he never thought people in 2014 would be looking at it and admiring it.

    1. >such a detailed illustration! i wonder who did it
      Yeah, so much of the advertising art from those days is unsigned. I did Google the CCNY and K2C at the bottom of the card, but no luck.
      >i bet he never thought people in 2014 would be looking at it and admiring it.
      That's why I scan so much for this blog. Things like this would be lost if not digitally preserved.

  2. Awesome, so nice! And love the comment, so true that the person who made it probably just tossed it up to never being seen again. Yet, here it is, and now it can live forever on the net.
