Sunday, February 1, 2015

What was on TV January 20th through 26th, 1979

This week's issue is a week behind, but timely since it features the 1979 Superbowl.  Special thanks to friend John for supplying the humor.

This critic complains that life on TV isn't realistic enough.  I wonder what he thinks of reality tv now.  Careful what you wish for.

Libby's Libby's, Libby's on the label, label, label, you will like it, like it, like it, on your table, table, table.

 Wojo and his girlfriend discuss commitment issues? Sounds like a very special episode of "Barney Miller."

 I think Dk Fusion was doing a little fibbing when they touted "no fakey rug look." It looks pretty fakey to me.

 This is how weird my young life was.  I know who Bill Hayes/Doug Williams is.  My mom watched "Days of Our Lives" every day (still does).  I know the characters, the music, the plot lines.  Every snow day and summer vacation day I had to endure it for one hour until I could get back to cartoons and games shows.  Oh, and hey Bill, you made an album you're so happy about you can't stand it? The feeling's mutual.

 The mystery gift with the "Olde World Cuckoo Clock" COULD be worth $5 but chances are it WILL be worth $.25.

 Way to try to cash in on "Smokey and the Bandit" while advertising this Burt Reynolds stinker.

"Kate is Young, In Love...AND DYING!!!!!"  The 1970's were full of melodramas like "Sunshine".

 I'm sure William Shatner gave a muted and understated performance as an astronaut with the power to communicate with dolphin's and control people's minds. Nah! He was probably hamming it up left and right.

 That's a sweet Frank Frazetta painting but I can't quite figure out what it has to do with Battlestar Galactica.

 The Hong Kong dollar may only cost a dime but the kicker is that they are worth less than a penny.

 Whatever you do, don't google "beef marathon" today.

 Oh Lord, the Superheroes Roast. Rhoda Rooter? Ghetto Man? Wha?  Here's a small clip, if you can stand it.

I remember when "The Dukes of Hazzard" premiered.  My Mom said, "I love those shows where they make the cops look like fools."  I swear to you she said that.

The new NBC didn't last too long.

Look at all the standard features on that Chevette! A battery? A steering wheel? Tires? AM radio? Man, that thing is LOADED!

And that's all for this week.  Stay tuned.


  1. this is SO much better than culling through my twitter feed, avoiding mentions of the Super Bowl!

    as far as today’s reality TV goes, it’s not that real, either. but yeah, that critic had NO idea what was coming.

    i can still sing the Libby’s song, too. (has there ever been another?)

    Wojo makes me feel funny in places. he was always the hunky one on that show.

    i blame all the 70s obsessions with “young, in love… and DYING” on Love Story.

    wow, Shatner was on the Six Million Dollar Man?? Siri, find this for me on youtube, STAT!

    as a youngster obsessed with battlestar galactica, i can testify that the Count Ibliss storyline kind of blew chunks. but it’s always cool to see Frazetta’s sci-fi/fantasy mashup.

    wow, i know nothing about the Super Bowl, but i totally remember watching Black Sunday. hooray for the 70s obsessions with disaster flicks!

    i don’t understand how a 1979 show can be about george burns’ 100th birthday party when he died in 1996… at 100. come on, 1970s — i know the drugs were prominent back then, but SERIOUSLY.

    a slipcover sale?? SO THAT’S WHERE THEY CAME FROM.

    and hey — whatever happened to Wheat Nuts? and what WERE they??

    1. >i can still sing the Libby’s song, too. (has there ever been another?)
      I don't believe there has.
      >Wojo makes me feel funny in places.
      To be honest, I never watched Barney Miller and have no clue which one Wojo was.
      >hooray for the 70s obsessions with disaster flicks!
      Yes, without disaster flicks and young dying lovers, 70's TV would have had NOTHING!
      >i don’t understand how a 1979 show can be about george burns’ 100th birthday party
      Ah, you didn't read the details. He was doing his 100th on his 83rd birthday because he was going to be busy performing at the Palladium on his 100th. Sadly, though he did make his 100th (by just a couple months), he was unable to perform as he had suffered a fall in a bathtub at 94 and never fully recovered.
      >whatever happened to Wheat Nuts? and what WERE they??
      Wheat Nuts. They're neither Wheat nor Nuts. Discuss amongst yourselves.

    2. the entire cast of Barney Miller was amazing. such a great ensemble.

      oh, you're right - i didn't catch that details of the George Burns show. can you imagine hurting yourself in a fall and not recovering for SIX YEARS? ugh. poor george.

      if Wheat Nuts was just roasted wheat, that sounds like granola to me. so strange.

  2. Love the review for the $1.98 Beauty Show... I'd still watch that if it were on TV! I actually just watched The Longest Yard about 3 nights ago, one of my all time faves.

    And what a great weekend of horror with Abbott & Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde on Saturday, and The Creeping Flesh on Sunday! Thumbs up on that Brothers and Sisters ad featuring awesome Jack Davis artwork too!

    1. >And what a great weekend of horror with Abbott & Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde >on Saturday, and The Creeping Flesh on Sunday!

      Yes, those kept me glued to the tv all weekend long. I've discussed this before, but the vast supply of programming available to kids today, not to mention internet and video games, prevents them from seeing the classics like these. With just 3 networks and nothing else but the great outdoors, we had little choice.
      >Thumbs up on that Brothers and Sisters ad featuring awesome Jack Davis artwork >too!
      Great catch! I should have caught that myself. Davis did quite a bit of work for TV Guide.
